A Good Indoor Basketball For Children

Imagine watching your child or the children you’re coaching (whatever your situation is) play a game of basketball with a super cheap and crappy rubber ball. That is not what good indoor basketball sounds like.

Let’s be honest here, it isn’t fun playing with a basketball like that, and it’s not comfortable either. 

At the school I went to, most of the balls were flat, made from cheap rubber, and the only ball pump was on its last life, and we had a tough time trying to pump anything up with it.  

I said to myself, “I just want a good indoor basketball to have fun with and have an easier time to improve my game.”

After all, how will any kid improve their game without having fun? Right

Good basketball players are not born; they are MADE!

It will make children into great shooters and dribblers and all-around great basketball players with a good enough basketball! 

A cute little girl holding a circular object

Wilson NCAA Replica Basketball: A Good Indoor Basketball 


Composite leather makes up most good indoor basketballs, such as this one I’m talking about in this article. This material is cheaper than genuine leather, feels much softer, and doesn’t dry out or wear out as fast as any other leather ball type. 

Does this mean the ball is less durable? Yes

Even though this basketball is less durable, it offers more grip, something cheap rubber outdoor balls lack. 

However, I’ve mostly been using this basketball outdoors, so I recommend using it indoors since composite leather basketballs tend to get slick over time, from my own personal experience.

A good indoor basketball that I use

Air Retention & Bounce

Bounce is an important factor for a basketball, but as with air retention, I can not remember the last time I had to pump it up with air; this is coming from a guy who uses it outdoors most of the time! 

With this good indoor basketball, using a ball pump will be a rarity as running out of air won’t be a problem. 

For children, this is a great ball for shooting, as it has deep grooves (also known as the laces on the ball), allowing for better control, but not too deep to the point where the bounce becomes unreliable when dribbling. 

There is no 100 percent accurate way of telling how much air pressure a ball has inside. Here is a quick test young players can carry out to ensure the ball has a nice bounce.

Drop the basketball from face level. If it bounces under the waistline, it’s underinflated; if it bounces over the waistline, it shows the basketball is over-inflated. 

Grip, Size & Price

To improve their game, young players need to have good control over the basketball, whether it’s shooting, dribbling, passing, etc. Although sweaty hands and moisture can cause you to lose grip of the basketball, with this one, it wasn’t a problem because it’s moisture absorbent.

The Wilson NCAA Replica Game Basketball

This indoor basketball comes in two sizes, size 6 (which has a circumference of 28.5 inches) and size 7 (which has a circumference of 29.5 inches). For young players aged 9-12, a size 6 is a good size for a standard youth ball.

I’m guessing when you typed into google, “good indoor basketball,” you weren’t looking for the “best” ball that’ll cost you a fortune, but instead, a good enough basketball that’s budget-friendly. 

Well, I’ve got some good news for you. This one cost me about £30 (somewhere around $38), but I think now they come even cheaper than that. 

Making sure a good indoor basketball lasts and stays that way

I’m going to state the obvious here and say that no basketball is invincible. However, it is possible to make it last several years by following these tips I’m about to give you.

Using the basketball on the correct surface is essential. Over time, the ball’s grip gets destroyed when using it outside on gravel and concrete; unless you want an easy time tearing the material apart like I did when using it on concrete, I wouldn’t advise doing this.

A referee carrying an indoor basketball


Keeping a good indoor basketball clean. Now, I’m not saying you have to clean the ball every day, but cleaning it once in a while will surely help it last longer. 

Dust and dirt will make their way through basketball’s, making it more slippery. This basketball may be equipped with special Wilson technology; not taking care of it equals a harder time for children to improve their basketball skills. 

Using leather shampoo and water (taking immediate action to dry the ball out so the surface doesn’t get destroyed) is a good way of keeping the basketball clean and shiny. However, because this basketball is moisture absorbent, it does a great job keeping water and dust out.

Bonus tip: be aware of what’s on the court. Whether the child is playing indoors or outdoors, you do not want the basketball crashing into something sharp or something that can alter the basketball’s shape. Also, try to avoid kicking the basketball at all costs, which could also lead to lumps on the ball. 

Why is this a good indoor basketball for children?

A coach and a group of kids fist bumping

Children aged 9-12 or under will not have a strong grip. Young players will also develop poor shooting technique if the ball is too heavy, resulting in kids “muscling” the ball.

Like football or baseball, basketball requires a lot of turn in the hips, waist, and shoulders. This is where the power comes from, not “chucking” or “lobbing” the ball. 

Pick the smallest size possible to avoid these bad habits, as they will become challenging to correct once these children get older and don’t forget, stronger.

When it comes to weight and size 

Most “heavy to hold” basketballs are made up of tough rubber.

Why are they so heavy, you ask? Because they have to withstand harsh surfaces, such as asphalt, granite, and concrete

I wouldn’t recommend these balls as I think they could be very uncomfortable for younger players to use, unlike this basketball, which’s very light and comfortable.


Although this basketball is less durable than others, its durability is good enough for younger kids aged 9-12 or under to enjoy and have fun using and improving. This basketball is nice, and sturdy meaning kids will have an easier time bouncing the ball too.

Let’s face it. No kid wants to struggle when dribbling a flat, weakly built ball during games or practice. It just brings the fun out of basketball.  

How will this basketball affect their skills?

Basketball shooting and dribbling are both in a way similar to each other. I will now tell you how your child can take advantage of the perks that come with this basketball to improve their skills. 


A young female player shooting a basketball

For kids to get an awesome start to their shot, having a good grip on the ball is vital. Here are some things they can do in combination with the basketball’s natural grip.

Make sure that their grip is wide on the basketball (especially the shooting hand) but also comfortable for them at the same time.

I prefer to make it almost the full length of the ball. By doing this, they’re fully utilizing the grip from the ball because they’re covering as much of the surface area as possible with their finger pads. 

Having the index/middle finger centered in that grip will help more with control. Even when there are sweat and moisture on the young player’s hands, the material will help absorb it, doubling the control and grip they have over the basketball. 

Making sure they place their shooting hand fully on the ball, both palm and fingers, will also allow for better control. This way, the kid’s hand is taking full advantage of the basketball’s material grip, giving them even more control.

When taking all this into account, the child will then extend the arm upwards, flicking the basketball with the wrist and having good rotation since they’ve combined technique with the make of the basketball. 

When the ball comes over the head, that’s when it will come off the palm, using only the finger pads and the grip from the basketball to flick it for good rotation. With this being a good indoor basketball, the offhand should then slide off nice and smooth.


A bunch of kids playing sports

The same goes for dribbling. Using the finger pads by having a nice wide grip on the basketball will help them utilize the ball’s natural grip giving them more control over the ball and bounce. 

This is important because, when dribbling, you’re moving in all sorts of directions. 

Kids shouldn’t be dribbling with their fingertips because they won’t use the basketball’s elements to help with grip and control if they do. Having good hip flexibility will also help to control the ball when dribbling. 

Many younger kids are still growing and having growth spurts. Still, at the same time, their hips get tighter and tighter. They can do some excellent stretching exercises involving this replica, giving it another reason why it’s a good indoor basketball. 

Stationary dribbling drills are best for kids who want to improve their dribbling, as this will help them focus more on getting used to the ball’s feel.

Final Thoughts: is this good indoor basketball Worth Buying?!

The Wilson NCAA Replica Basketball is, for sure, a very good indoor basketball for children. The most important thing is that it’s got the right perks to help improve a child’s shooting and dribbling, helping them become better as they get older and stronger. 

I mean, you want to get a good indoor basketball, don’t you? 

You and I both know children don’t need some “best basketball that’s out of this world.” As long as it’s an enjoyable basketball that kids will have an awesome time improving their skills with, it’s good enough. “Buy now,” if I say so myself, haha.

Using the tips that I’ve provided from this article will help your kid lots when improving their game, especially with a ball like this one. 

Compare the Wilson NCAA Replica basketball to those crappy cheap rubber or foam balls, and I think it’s a no brainer. 

I hope you found this article helpful! If you have any other questions, please leave them in the comments below! I’ll make sure to reply ASAP

The Best Indoor Basketball For Hobbyists: Top 4 Choices

Imagine playing this sport without using the best indoor basketball for you…

Sounds pretty boring, right? 

Now imagine playing WITH that type of ball. The superior grip, the natural smooth feel makes you one with the ball. Shooting threes with ease and dribbling like Kyrie Irving all over the court. 

One problem – which one do I go for!?

For me, basketball is the best hobby you could ask for. I admit, I may not be the best player out there, but I hate playing with crappy unusable balls. Not picking the right one might result in you quitting on this beautiful sport. 

Choosing the right one from this list does not matter as I think all of them will make for a better time playing indoor basketball. 

I want this article to provide you with an honest and accurate answer saving you from doing lots of research yourself and getting overwhelmed by so many choices. 

Before Buying The Best Indoor Basketball for Hobbyists

Basketball is one of the world’s most popular sports, starting indoors, with many leagues outside of college and high school (secondary school). 

Even just playing with friends on an indoor court, these basketball’s will bring enjoyment. 

Playing Sport as a Hobby With The Best Indoor Basketball

  • Health Improvement – It’s a great way to stay healthy, keeping cardiovascular fitness levels up, and staying in shape.

All it takes is an hour, playing with the best indoor basketball for maximum enjoyment, to burn almost 1,000 calories, and getting a sweaty workout in through dribbling up and down the court; working on your jump shot is good for your stamina. 

  • Stress Relief – By staying focused on basketball skills such as shooting, dribbling, and passing, you will feel the stress start to go away after shooting a few hoops. 

Not only that, but it will help you stay focused at work, channeling that energy to overcome challenges and tasks, etc. And picking the best indoor basketball will make sure you don’t get frustrated whilst balling. 

  • Socializing – The sport of basketball is great for making new friends! When there are other fellow hoopers playing ball on the same indoor court as you, making friends will be easy, adding them on social media afterward, and meeting up for more fun games.

Also, playing ball with people you already know (friends or family) strengthens those relationships for a tighter bond.

But… don’t force yourself to like it.

If indoor basketball doesn’t excite you or bring you any enjoyment, don’t play it and don’t buy a ball. 

Feeling like you have to play a sport will only make you miserable, so I wouldn’t advise forcing it.

However, by investing in the best indoor basketball and giving it a chance, learning the game will make for an awesome hobby!

All in all, a hobby is supposed to be fun. So, picking the right one from this list isn’t as important as getting better, and growing in this sport is what brings excitement. Also, taking days off will make sure you don’t get bored and help rest your muscles. 

Choosing the right size basketball for hobbyists

Picking the right size for a hobbyist does not have any significance in having fun, in my opinion. Then again, switching between different sizes could hurt your shooting and dribbling, ruining competitive play for you. Without further ado, here are the sizes for both genders:

  • Size 6 – Official ball size for Females with a 28.5-inch circumference (72.39 centimeters) usual weight = 20 ounces.  
  • Size 7 – Official ball size for Males with a 29.5-inch circumference (74.93 centimeters) usual weight = 22 ounces. 

Molten GL7x

Molten GL7x indoor basketball

The first one on this list was the official 2015-2019 game ball for international FIBA competitions and other international leagues. It comes in a size 6 and a size 7, perfect for Male and Female hobbyists, and is priced anywhere between 100 to 150 pounds and dollars. Although, I have found out you can get it for a cheaper cost of 80. 

Let’s first talk about the material. This ball’s produced with a premium real leather cover made just for indoor use. Since it’s real leather, it’ll become much softer and pliable once broken into. One thing I want to mention, don’t worry about its pebbles since they don’t make much of a difference to your play, no matter what ball it is. 

Molten has said that the parallel pebble design makes for better fingertip control and overall better performance giving you a high level of grip because the seams and pebbled surface are flat due to the 12-panel (12 rubber laces all together) Giugiaro design. This design gives you a more consistent touch and helps you in judging backspin. 

At first, the Molten GL7x had a firm and rough grip because of the real leather material. But, once broken into, it becomes nice and smooth, giving you a tremendous level of grip, faking shots like Michael Jordan. People have said the grip worsens with the white parts staying the same in terms of grip. For a stronger shot, that’s where you should place your fingertips. 

Side view of the Molten GL7x

Now, once fully broken into, it has a completely different feel to it, almost dream-like. It feels so much smoother and nicer, becoming much better than that of a composite leather ball. Feel is probably the most important factor as it can determine bounce too. 

It does not have the best indoor basketball durability but is still at a decent level, not affecting your basketball skills in a negative way whatsoever. Cleaning the basketball by using a cloth and soapy water is my advice, but it doesn’t get as dusty as composite leather balls.

Lastly, it does not have the most consistent bounce when it comes to dribbling moves, sometimes bouncing a bit too high for a player’s liking. So, if the ball comes inflated, I recommend you let a bit of air out. The structure of its strong nylon wound butyl bladder helps keep air into the max, having the best air retention for indoor play. To find the correct air pressure of this indoor basketball, it’s imprinted around the valve area. 

Nike Elite Championship Airlock

Nike Elite Championship Airlock, the best indoor basketball for shooters

This Nike product is famous amongst indoor hoopers but only comes with an official size 7 so, not the best choice for Females or children and is made for indoor use. It comes in at around 60 dollars or 50 pounds, and I think this is the best indoor basketball for hobbyists if you’re the kind of player who likes to have fun shooting mid-range, free throws, three-point shots. 

It’s made with a game dry composite leather cover (keeping it dry), which they’ve said sweat slides right off the ball. No matter what position you play, its grip will help out loads with shooting and dribbling. Having wider channels (deep-pebble grip) makes it a better choice for shooters by making it easier to align the fingertips with grooves for better shot accuracy and control, pulling off a quicker shot. 

They make this ball with a leather microfiber backing to which Nike said provides you with a nice soft-touch with moisture absorption keeping sweat away. It has a rotationally balanced butyl carcass to stop the ball from getting out of shape, no more worries about getting lumps on the ball. 

Now, having a woven microfiber backing gives you a smooth and consistent (almost real leather-like) feel. It’s harder on your hands than other indoor composite leather basketballs but maintains a great soft feel. The Nike Elite Championship Airlock has a similar feel to the all mighty Wilson Evolution game ball but will become very slippery if used outdoors. 

The Nike Elite Championship is VERY washable. So, for an easier time cleaning, use a bucket of hot soapy water and a cloth. Having some of the best indoor basketball durability, you can expect it to last you for as long as half a decade before replacing it for a new one (no joke). However, you should avoid using this ball outdoors as elements like concrete will change it for the worst! 

Bounce is pretty consistent and reliable on this ball, equaling an easier time with crossovers and ankle breakers. It’s said to hold in air very well because of Nike’s Airlock Technology providing a great versatile air pressure (imprinted around the valve area). Adding in the Airlock was a good idea as its previous counterpart lost air consistently. 

Spalding TF-1000 Legacy

Spalding TF-1000 Legacy Basketball

Another ball designed for indoor play is available in official NBA size 7 and official WNBA size 6, being a mate to both genders. It comes inflated and ready to go for games, and when talking about cost, I’ve seen it priced anywhere between 50 to 80 pounds and dollars, so a pretty high-quality indoor ball. Also, it used to be very popular amongst indoor players.

When the material comes to mind, the Spalding TF-1000 Legacy is produced with a ZK Microfiber composite leather cover, with a deep channel design for incredible controllability when combining dribbling moves and helps with jump shot mechanics. The nylon windings on this ball help keep its structure. They’ve done a great job with this ball as it’s very sturdy and does not get out of shape. 

Having super absorption, it improves your grip on this indoor ball when hands get sweaty, flicking sweat right off the basketball. Straight out of the packaging, it has a nice strong grip but is known to get a bit slick over time, making it harder to palm. Another thing is, the channels of this ball help you maintain a good grip, especially for shooters who like to align fingertips with the grooves.  

Spalding TF-1000 Legacy

Produced with a responsive cushioned sponge carcass, it provides you with a super soft feel and truer bounce. This ball is described as “pillow-soft,” almost as soft as the Nike Elite Championship basketball, making it the BEST choice for hardcore dribblers. Since it’s very lightweight, shooting from deep and dribbling faster is guaranteed!

The CLARINO (tough yet subtle material) Synthetic Leather is the reason why this has one of the best indoor basketball durability’s out there, looking brand new even after years of play. Therefore, you can say Spalding was correct about this ball maintaining its shape. Then again, this does NOT mean using it outdoors is okay. It’s not. This will tear the material apart. 

Rotationally balanced butyl bladder for ultimate air retention… is what Spalding claims. However, many people have complained about the Spalding TF-1000 legacy losing air all the time, so having a ball pump nearby will come in handy. I recommend pumping it up slightly higher than the standard air pressure of 7 PSI (pounds per square inch), but not too high as some people have said it becomes too bouncy. Overall, it does not have the most consistent bounce out there, but good enough for a fun time in my eyes. 

Adidas Pro 2.0

Adidas Pro 2.0 The Best Indoor Basketball for Hobbyists

The Adidas Pro 2.0 is quite a new ball and does not come inflated, made for indoor use only. It’s priced at around 60 dollars and pounds. The unfortunate thing for Females, it comes in one size, size 7. Starting with the design, it looks amazing and spotless, and in place, making it harder for you to stop staring at the ball. Adidas isn’t a trendy basketball brand, but people have said this is an awesome ball to use. It is now the official All-American game basketball, replacing The Rock. 

The Adidas Pro 2.0 is manufactured out of a 100 percent composite leather compound cover with great sweat and moisture management. The cover’s channels help you control the ball and with ball-handling, too, carrying out dribbling moves with ease.

Its flat pebble channels (not made from traditional rubber) give you more grip to help with shooting and ball-handling fundamentals. Although it may be just a slight noticeable change, the grip is enhanced well for a nice and steady jumper. Overall, compared to the other indoor basketballs on this list, I think the Adidas Pro 2.0 gives you the utmost grip. 

Back view of the Adidas Pro 2.0

Similar to most composite leather balls, this one feels super soft in your hands. You can imagine this ball’s softness already as fake leather is much softer than genuine leather, being able to withstand hard wooden indoor courts. Players have said it feels slightly bigger than your average ball but maintains a nice smooth feel straight outta the box. 

To have the best indoor basketball durability, the ball needs a strong bladder to maintain the structure and provide a long-lasting life. This one has exactly that. It’s being produced with this bladder to make an improved version of the previous make, which was not very durable. Dust and everything else from an indoor court should slide off nice and easy, but I still recommend cleaning it.

At the end of the day, there’s not much I can say about this indoor ball as it’s still very new and yet to be tested properly. On the other hand, Adidas has claimed its butyl bladder to provide the ultimate air retention, to which I recommend inflating it somewhere between 7.5 and 8.5 PSI (pounds per square inch). To my knowledge, air pressure is imprinted around the valve and should say 7.9 PSI

Developing Rhythm for Your Jump Shot

Creating rhythm is by far the most important thing to do before shooting. If your shot has no rhythm, then you shouldn’t even think about taking it, whether a defender is on you or not. 

“If you aren’t in rhythm, don’t take the shot” – All Coaches. 

The good news? Creating rhythm is very simple. 

If you are shooting off the pass, you dip the ball before you shoot. Therefore, you’ve created “rhythm.” In basketball, there are only two basic types of shots. A shot off the dribble and a shot off the pass. Let’s take a look:

  • Shooting off the dribble – There is no need to dip. The reasoning behind this is that the ball is already low. When taking a shot off the dribble, rhythm is created by the dribble itself. 
  • Shooting off the pass – In this case, rhythm needs to be created by the shooter. How is this done, you ask? Upon catching the pass, you need to lower the ball below your chest to the waist or hip area before quickly raising the ball into the shooting motion. 

The rhythm allows the shooter to have a more comfortable and more powerful shot. Now, many coaches will tell you NOT to dip. 

The most basic fundamental skill in basketball is the triple threat. With this skill, you have three options. Shoot, pass, dribble the ball towards the basket. 

And what is the only way of getting into the triple threat when catching a pass? The dip!

To Conclude: The Best Indoor Basketball for Hobbyists

I always like to say having the correct mechanics/fundamentals is more important than picking the right ball. Heck, it will also equal having more fun!

I mean, who enjoys sucking at basketball, right? 

A rack of indoor basketballs

Without wasting your time, I will go into which one is best for your needs. 

Highest quality ball on this list? I would say the Molten GL7x as it’s made from real leather as well as most expensive. Real leather has the best smell and, once broken into, feel becomes unmatchable.

The best indoor basketball for shooters? That would be the Nike Elite Championship Airlock. Designed for great shooting accuracy, has a perfect bounce, and outlasts any ball on this list in terms of longevity.

When it comes to durability, I think the Spalding TF-1000 Legacy is the most durable on this list and is the best choice for hardcore dribblers. 

Last but not least, the Adidas Pro 2.0. It has replaced the All-American official game ball “The Rock.” This tells you it must be amazing since The Rock is an incredible ball. I’m going to say this is the best indoor basketball overall.  

All these basketballs will help you out, and if you don’t like your choice, switch it out for a new one. 

If you’re sick of always playing with a crappy ball whenever you’re out with friends or playing in a league, picking one of these is a cakewalk. 

I hope you’ve found this article helpful! If you have any other questions about these choices, feel free to leave a comment below! I’ll make sure to reply ASAP. 

As always, Happy Balling!

Best Basketball Indoor: Top 4 Picks For College

“Best basketball indoor for college.”

That would be easier to find if you didn’t have so many options to choose from, right?

In my time of research, I thought to myself, “wow, I haven’t seen this many balls since College!”

Going back 2 or 3 years ago, I was in the same shoes as you. My college had basketballs that were horrible and uncomfortable to use. My friends would bring in their own, and we’d always argue about which one to play with. 

What I’ve learned was that picking the right one wasn’t important. But, having at least a high-quality indoor basketball by your side motivated people to spend more time on an indoor court for more experience. 

If you like to have fun while being competitive, then the ones on this list are right for you!

And did you know that basketball was made as an indoor sport to keep athletes inside during the harsh winter? 

It took me a very long time to compile this list, but these are the basketballs that I think are best for collegiate players. I am expecting this article to provide you with just the right answer for your needs. 

What to Consider Before Picking the Best Basketball Indoor for College 

These balls combined with great shooting and dribbling mechanics will help you eliminate those side and improve ball handling transforming you into a basketball T-Rex. 

A perfect shot through the rim

The Size and Cost of an Indoor Basketball

Picking the right size of a basketball is very important as it can have a huge effect on a player’s game. At the college level, it is your job to check the listings for official game balls. 

In my personal experience, great shooting and dribbling mechanics are developed through muscle memory. This is key to becoming a basketball Rex, so sticking to one size will help you a lot as each size ball has a different weight.  

Here are the two sizes for collegiate players:

Size 6 – Official game ball for Female collegiate players up to the WNBA with a 28.5-inch circumference (72 centimeters). Typical weight = 20 ounces.

Size 7 – Official game ball for Male collegiate player’s up to the NBA with a 29.5-inch circumference (75 centimeters). Typical weight = 22 ounces.

Indoor composite leather or real leather basketballs are the most expensive on the market. You might be able to find the best basketball indoor for less than $50 or £40, but the chances of that happening are slim to none. The best one’s come at 50 to well over 100 pounds and dollars. 

Out of both genuine leather and composite leather basketballs, real leather is the most expensive. In the end game, the most common factor that determines the cost of a basketball is material. Higher quality equals more expensive.  

Composite (not real) Leather 

This material provides the player with additional grip and a very nice soft feel. Being made tough, they are also delicate for indoor use. Composite leather is a popular choice amongst collegiate players of all levels. 

In comparison to genuine leather, most indoor composite leather balls have smoother surfaces and are much softer. However, whichever ball you pick from this list, they’re all high-quality basketballs. 

The composite leather material decides how a ball bounces and feels in the player’s hands, making skills like shooting, dribbling, and passing much more fun and enjoyable, leading to a better time with improving. 

Leather Material

There are lots of different composite leather balls out there with advanced technologies to suit player’s needs. Why composite leather, you ask? It means they can mass produce lots of different basketballs from this material

Let me assure you that almost all indoor composite leather balls are ready to go straight out of the box without needing to be broken into. 

Genuine (real) Leather 

The material alone can be a player’s number one reason for picking the best basketball indoor for college. Genuine leather provides you with a true grip as well as a nice soft feel. But it feels a little slick straight out of the box.

100 percent leather balls do their best work on hard-wood indoor courts because of their softness. Even though it’s a softer material, it becomes softer once broken into. This takes a few weeks or even months, depending on how much time you spend playing.

Once fully broken into, it’s hard to compare the abilities to composite leather balls, which is why real leather is used for professional leagues like the NBA or international FIBA, making it the perfect choice for elite players. 

In general, real leather is a lot more comfortable than composite leather but is a lot more expensive. Due to the higher price, they are much tougher and harder than those composite leather balls. 

Full-grain leather can also help you out a lot with components like agility instead of speed, as speed doesn’t quite dominate the collegiate level as it does with high school (secondary school). 

Fun fact: The smell of genuine leather is just the best like you’re part of a leather jacket motorcycle gang or something. 

Grip & Feel 

Since both the materials above are soft, it means they’re much grippier too! For instance, composite leather balls have great grip from the start, and when entering the breakthrough period of a real leather ball, the grip becomes unmatchable. 

Being one with the basketball

Depending on the channels’ width and depth, it makes a lot of difference to shooting and dribbling the best basketball indoor. For example, basketballs with deeper channels can help a player shoot better by aligning the fingertips with its black strips.

Also, moisture and sweaty hands will always be a problem for any ball, slightly worsening the grip throughout games or practice.

Some basketballs come with moisture absorbent technology minimizing this problem as much as possible for better grip and control over the ball.

Grip alone can take your skills to the next level but feel is more important. If you don’t become one with the ball, shooting and dribbling will feel off.

The most important factor to consider in combination with grip is the feel. The best basketball indoor needs a good balance between the two for you to have comfort and enjoyability when using the ball in games or practice. 

By having a great feel of the basketball, it will lead to a better bounce. If you want to go with a genuine leather ball, its breathtaking feel will make it so much easier to use, providing you with a nice soft touch once fully broken into. But, if you’re going with a composite leather choice, they feel great straight out of the packaging. 


Since these materials are meant to be soft, it means they’re designed to withstand any indoor court, not gravel, concrete or blacktop, etc., elements that rip the basketball’s material apart.

Genuine leather is more brittle than composite leather, so using the more expensive material outdoors would be an even worse idea. 

Because the indoor basketballs on this list are made from high-quality material, you won’t have to worry about durability.

Here are some things you should avoid:

  • Kicking the basketball (this will hurt your foot…. a lot)
  • Bouncing the ball off a wall (causes lumps)
  • Bouncing the ball outside when patrolling around the college. 

Cleaning your ball will also make it last longer (check out my other articles for more in-depth caretaking). Using a bucket of warm soapy water and a cloth, cleaning all the dust and dirt off it, and taking immediate action to dry it will help any ball last longer. 

Spalding NBA Official Game Ball

the best basketball indoor Spalding NBA Official Game Ball

This is the NBA’s official game ball (National Basketball Association) and a great choice for elite collegiate players who like to visualize themselves playing in the NBA. Spalding has put over three decades into this ball…three decades! Making it the most high-quality ball on the market.

Important note: It only comes in size 7, so not the best choice for Female collegiate players.

My first pick is made with 100% real genuine Horween (horsehide) leather, making this ball super expensive, being priced between $100-$150 or £100-£150. It may take some time getting used to if you’ve never experienced real leather before but becomes butter soft within a few weeks or months. 

The Spalding NBA ball has wide channels providing you with an all-natural grip but is a bit slick at the beginning. Depending on how many weeks or months you spend playing with this basketball, once it’s fully broken into, the grip becomes unmatchable. 

This genuine leather basketball absorbs sweat better than most composite leather balls do, maintaining the best grip possible no matter what environment you’re in.

However, there are balls out there with a much better grip than this one. But, with great shooting and dribbling mechanics, Its grip will still help out tremendously. If you’re looking for a basketball that’s much more focused on feel than grip, then this is the best choice for you.

Its amazing “second nature” feel will be observed as rough at the beginning for some players. But after being broken into, it feels nice and soft due to the Spalding NBA Official Game ball’s leather material and wider rubber channels, making you one with the ball.  

Combining this indoor basketball with some of the best sweat absorption technology out there gives the player a great balance between grip and feel. When sweat and moisture get onto it, the same level of grip and feel is maintained throughout. 

Side view of the best basketball indoor

Do not get fooled by this indoor basketball’s heavy feel, as it is very lightweight, coming in at just half a kilo to provide you with much better control. This ball is loved so much by NBA players because of its natural and amazing feel.

If you put grip and feel on a balance scale, feel would certainly outweigh grip, making this the best basketball indoor on this list. 

Any genuine leather will outlast most of the best basketballs out there, lasting you decades or even centuries! (in a metaphoric way). 

Genuine leather makes for a tough basketball giving the Spalding NBA official ball the best indoor durability once it’s fully broken into.

Although tough, it will die down very quickly when used outdoors because real leather is designed to withstand, by the skin of one’s teeth, indoor floors. Also, don’t forget to take good care of it!

Due to it being lightweight, it gives the player an easier time with control over the ball. This leads to a great reliable bounce and better ball handling experience. As it is the official ball of the NBA, it has the highest bounce consistency out there. With an awesome leveled bounce, the ball will go wherever you want it to. 

I recommend inflating the best basketball indoor to an 8PSI (pounds per square inch). Being already inflated upon arrival means you don’t have to worry about pumping it up. Also, since you won’t need a ball pump, it shows how great its air retention is as there’s no air leakage or anything of that matter. 

Spalding TF-1000 Classic ZK

Spalding TF-1000 Classic ZK Basketball

In Canada and the USA, this basketball is the most popular amongst all players and one of the finest out there because of its high quality. It is also a great choice for Female collegiate players as Spalding is the official WNBA basketball, coming in at a size 6 and 7. This one comes in at around $50 or £80

A little word of warning, the original Spalding TF-1000 was better, but this one is almost as good. Some people have said this ball isn’t as high quality as the old one, which used to be the best basketball indoor for college. I say there’s not much difference between the two, and most people would agree.  

It comes with a complete Spalding ZK Microfiber outer cover, having the hardest composite leather in existence. The glossy look of this TF-1000 model will put some people off, along with its darker colour. However, it has a much higher quality cover than the original. 

Although tacky initially, this indoor basketball has an outstanding level of grip due to the “ZK Microfiber” cover. Grip alone will take any collegiate player’s game to the next level. When the moisture control technology (MCT) kicks in, the ball becomes easier to grip to make things better.

Keep in mind; it’s not like a normal composite leather basketball. Its grip will take a few weeks or even a month to fully kick in but do not worry as it’s still exceptional from the beginning. 

The Spalding TF-1000 provides you with a great soft feel (not the softest) with moisture control technology, making it feel more consistent. Yet, some players have said, it feels similar to that of a rubber ball, whereas most think it still has a quality feel. 

The reason why its softness isn’t the softest is that some said it feels a bit on the rough side with a dry tacky feel.  The “tacky” feel on the ball only occurs at the beginning, becoming unnoticeable overtime.

Side view of the Spalding TF-1000 Classic ZK

When looking at this basketball’s channels, a standard rubber design has been used, and they aren’t too wide nor deep to maximize ball control.

Some people have made complaints about this ball arriving damaged. When this happens, please take a deep breath and return the ball to swap it for a new up to date one. 

As this one is an indoor basketball, keep to just using it indoors. When comparing this basketball’s indoor durability to the older model, this newer material outlasts the older material by a longshot.

Material is the only thing they’ve changed about this ball as the old model was way too soft and weak. Overall, it will outlive any soft composite leather basketball out there.

Even though this newer model feels different from the older one, it still has a great bounce. For hefty ball handlers who like to pound the ball, this is a great choice for you. It arrives already inflated, but I recommend pumping it up a bit higher than usual.

The standard air pressure is imprinted on the basketball around the area where you insert the pump into. Inflating it between 7.5 and 8.5 PSI (pounds per square inch) is perfect.

It’s a bit inconsistent with air retention, but it’s got a rotationally-balanced butyl bladder, which they’ve said provides ultimate air retention. So, I think you won’t have to use a ball pump often on the Spalding TF-1000.  

Baden Perfection Rival

Baden Perfection Rival Basketball

Coming in at an awesome value for your money, this one goes toe-to-toe when it comes to picking the best basketball indoor for college. Baden is the most underrated American company (Washington State) and isn’t as popular amongst the US and UK as Wilson or Spalding. However, it competes well against these brands, which is why it deserves a pick on this list. 

This new ball is priced around $40-$50 or £40-£50. It’s also a gender-friendly basketball as it comes with a size 6 for Females and a size 7 for Males. It’s all-around a great indoor basketball for the Elite.

One cool thing about the Baden Rival is you can customize it to have your name engraved on the ball, just in case you lose it. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly basketball with amazing premium quality, this one’s for you. 

Combining an advantageous composite leather cover with Baden’s patented Cushion Controlled Technology (CCT) gives you the best possible performance for the collegiate level. Its cover yields a lot of grip without that sticky feel of the Baden Elite (the best basketball indoor for college).  

Hands get sweaty easily? Not a problem with this indoor ball. Its moisture-absorbent technology is very nice, almost eliminating this problem, reducing it as much as possible. You will not feel a difference with grip when your hands get sweaty. 

Complete side view of the Baden Perfection Rival

Now, the Baden Rival channels aren’t that deep, looking like it’s focused more on feel than grip. Then again, as they’re made from rubber, they provide you with great grip anyway. 

Unlike other composite leather covers, this one doesn’t feel slippery when first taking it out of the box as the CCT gives you a super comfortable and pillow-soft feel.

When it comes to feeling overall, the Baden Rival’s extra layer of cushioning is the real deal. Also, this indoor basketball’s panels’ unique construction extends the great balance it has between grip and feel 

Baden’s Cushion Controlled Technology (CCT) gives this basketball an extreme indoor durability level for a longer-lasting life, assuming you take good care of it. 

The Baden Rival has a very reliable and consistent bounce due to its channels (not too wide nor deep). Whether you’re a shooter or a ball-handler, the Baden Rival is perfect for both. 

The main feature that it comes with is something called a “stealth valve.” Being almost invisible, it improves the bounce whilst keeping the air into the max. I recommend pumping this bad boy up to a 7 PSI (pounds per square inch). 

Molten BG4500

Molten BG4500 Indoor Basketball

First of all, I’d like to say that Molten provides only the best basketballs for FIBA (French International Basketball Federation). FIBA governs the sport of basketball worldwide. This particular one is FIBA approved and the newest official ball for FIBA. 

Molten is also a Japanese brand and is a trendy international ball, but not so popular amongst colleges in America and the US. Once again, this one is a friend to both genders as it comes with a size 6 and a size 7.

However, Molten basketballs are smaller than indoor US basketballs. This is a very high-quality indoor basketball ranging between £40-£70 or $50-$100.  

The Molten BG4500 is made up of a nice premium composite leather cover and has a foamed rubber construction. Molten have used their 12-panel Giugiaro design on this ball, so collegiate players will see how many spins they’re putting on the ball, and they’ll have an easier time with dribbling moves too. 

That, and it’s designed to look like an “X” from the side to judge spin better and to see where the ball goes during a rebound. 

What’s so different about this one compared to previous Molten makes? They’ve added on an extra foamed layer, which makes this indoor basketball nice and soft. 

It possesses almost the same valuable grip as a genuine leather basketball without a pesky “break-in” period. Having a 12-panel design provides you with a lot more grip and control than the old 8-panel design. 

It maintains great grip with sweaty hands and moisture since the depth of the surface texture wipes it clean off, and its moisture control technology is one of the best. This allows you to get buckets at a consistent rate.

Complete side view of the Molten BG4500

Although there are basketballs out there with much better grip, this one provides you with one of the best grip factors out there, and you can for sure rely on it to not slip out of your hands. 

If you choose to buy this indoor basketball, you will not believe it’s made out of composite leather as it almost feels like real genuine leather. Because of the high-quality butyl bladder used on this ball, the feel is enhanced greatly, leading to a much better bounce.

It feels firmer than previous makes of Molten but still has a great softness to it. Overall, the balance between grip and feel on this ball is perfect. 

The Molten BG4500 is not as durable as the others on this list but still has great overall indoor durability. Cleaning this basketball is a must as it collects dust easier than any other ball.

This won’t be much of a problem, though, as sweat and moisture will easily wipe the dust off. Also, as long as you take care of the ball, it will last you a very long time. 

Its bounce will be a bit off-putting at first, but that will be because you’re not used to playing with a foreign ball. If you give it a chance, the bounce will feel more consistent and reliable as time goes on. 

A problem with previous Molten series basketballs was that they didn’t hold air in very well. Since they made this one with an indestructible butyl bladder, I guarantee you it won’t be a problem. I recommend inflating it somewhere between 7.5 or 8.5 PSI (pounds per square inch). 

Correct Mechanics = Better Performance With the Best Basketball Indoor for College

The best technique to use for eliminating side misses? Your Eyes. Knowing how to use them is key for a straighter shot, never blaming the ball for your brick ever again.

Think of it like math’s back in school. The teachers made you show your work for you to check yourself.

To improve your shooting technique, you need to use your eyes the proper way to acquire “feedback” on any ball from this list, by checking yourself every time you shoot. This is done by following the path of the ball.  

First, see your target (the middle of the rim). Then, after you shoot or just as you shoot, check the ball’s flight and the release to check if it’s straight.

Having your chin up will allow for an easier time glancing upwards when shooting the basketball. Many collegiate coaches teach players to stare at the rim, which will damage their shot.

This causes you to blame the ball for your miss. Staring at the rim will not help and won’t get you any feedback on your shot. There should be no movement of your head, just your eyes. 

Basketball player shooting the ball

To correct your right and left misses, make sure your finger is through the rim. Try FTF:

Follow the Finger.  

This is going to help keep you straight on every shot. 

Here are the two options:

Eyes going up AS you shoot – During the shot, you come up with the ball, whilst your eyes are locked onto the target (middle of the rim). As you go to extend the ball, the eyes go up, and then you release. This allows you to check your alignment by keeping your eyes up after you release, seeing the ball’s flight and the release, making sure they align with the rim. 

Eyes going up AFTER you shoot – This is the same. You extend up, eyes locked onto the target (middle of the rim), and when the ball comes off your fingers, your eyes flick up to check the flight of the ball and the release, making sure they align with the rim.

The Final Run Down: Which One Is The Best Basketball Indoor for College?

Player hiding the basketball

I have done an article on what I think is the best basketball indoor for college, so make sure to check it out.

Having the correct mechanics will always be more important than choosing the right basketball. 

But, I think the best one on this list is the Spalding NBA Official game ball. This is the best choice for indoor use. It has the best grip when compared to the others on this list. It gives the player an incredible level of feel and overall great control over the ball. 

If you want a composite leather version of this basketball, the Spalding TF-1000 is an excellent choice as it’s much cheaper too. If this ball’s quality isn’t up to date, don’t hesitate to swap it for a newer one.

If you want an even better value for your money, the Baden Rival is an amazing all-around basketball, good for both Male and Female collegiate players.

If you like a bit of a foreign taste, the Molten BG4500 goes well with the “eyes” technique and has some of the best air retentions out there. 

When all is said and done: Pick the one you find is best, and you’ll have a fun and enjoyable time improving to become a basketball Rex.

As always, happy balling!

Best Indoor Basketball: Top 5 List For High School

Imagine a high school hooper going into practice or a game using a cheap, low-quality ball instead of the best indoor basketball for high school (secondary school). It makes for a depressing time with dribbling, shooting, and overall performing. This sucks the life out of any sport.

Let me tell ya… playing with crappy basketballs is the worst!

An indoor court is like a haven for basketballs as they don’t consist of rough surfaces like gravel or concrete. As a result, they will last much much longer indoors. 

High school (secondary school) players have too many options

And oh, boy – there are way too many options out there.

But, I decided to put a hell of a lot of time and effort into this list, countless hours of research done for you.

I’m hoping this article, whether or not you’re a parent, basketball player, or coach, will provide a more accurate and honest answer when choosing the best indoor basketball for your high school (secondary school). 

Size and Price: Before Picking the Best Indoor Basketball

High school (secondary school) basketball players need to check the listing for the official game balls. Picking the right size will bring comfort and enjoyment in improving basketball skills. 

Size 5 – With a 27.5-inch circumference (70 centimeters) used for children and youth aged 9-12 or under. 

Size 6 – With a 28.5-inch circumference (72 centimeters), which is used for younger high school (secondary school) players aged 12-14 and female basketball players 12 and up. 

Size 7 – With a 29.5-inch circumference (75 centimeters), which is used for official game balls for high school (secondary school) all the way up to the NBA. 

High-quality composite leather basketballs are always going to come at quite the price. If luck is on your side, you can get a decent one for less than $50 (£40).

However, these range from anywhere between $40-$100 or £40-£100 and are worth it. Cheap balls won’t save you money and will need to be replaced every few months.

The Wilson EVO NXT: The Best Indoor Basketball

The Wilson EVO NXT: the best indoor basketball for high school

Material, Grip, and Feel

This is the FIBA Champions League’s official basketball, and the official basketball of ballislife.

Wilson made this indoor basketball by combining the Wilson Evolution and the Wilson NCAA solution game ball, with deeper and wider channels made from composite leather instead of traditional rubber. 

It’s made out of 100% composite leather (not real leather). Some players might say the ball’s bland orange colour makes it look rubbery, but this isn’t a big deal as It is perfect for high school shooters who want the best indoor basketball whilst focusing on form and technique. 

The super softcore feature beats all other surfaces out there, so being durable isn’t a problem, and it’s super moisture absorbent.

Another feature the EVO NXT comes with is extended core technology. This balances the weight of the ball equaling to less effort when shooting threes. 

This indoor basketball has the perfect amount of grip and isn’t too sticky or tacky like other basketballs. It has a micro-touch double-layered cover giving the ball more texture for better grip by locking moisture away. This results in better control and an amazing feel for the player. 

The moisture-absorbent cover provides immense grip throughout games and practice as it keeps sweat and moisture out to the highest level possible. Therefore, sweaty hands are no longer an issue. Since this ball’s channels are of a much higher quality than the ones on the Wilson Evolution, it produces a much better grip and a better overall comfortable feel.

The Wilson EVO NXT

Bounce and Air Retention

Another great reason why this is the best indoor basketball for high school (secondary school) is because of the bounce.

Although the bounce isn’t perfect, it is good enough to the point where you can focus on your moves and your jump shot when going game speed. The micro-touch cover will provide the player with incredible control.

Don’t get me wrong; this indoor basketball still has a consistent and reliable bounce, making it very playable. There is no “break-in” period to this basketball, so you’ll most likely feel its awesome bounce as soon as you start dribbling. Yet, some players say the bounce feels a bit empty, but I think it’s nothing serious. 

The standard air pressure might be imprinted on the ball around the area where you insert the pump into. 

Winter is a slight problem with air retention for basketballs… apart from this one.

You can exclude all seasons when using the Wilson EVO NXT as the design keeps air pressure to the max. Air loss is annoying but isn’t a big deal with most indoor basketballs, so using a pump will be rare.


Have you ever heard of an indoor basketball that will last you throughout the whole of high school (secondary school)? You have now! Having an extreme durability level (possibly higher than the Wilson Evolution), it can last THAT long, especially when you take good care of it. 

Still, I don’t recommend using this ball outside on harsh surfaces like gravel, concrete, blacktop, etc., because I’m talking about indoor durability. 

The Wilson Evolution: 2nd Best Indoor Basketball

The Wilson Evolution: 2nd best indoor basketball for high school

Material, Grip, and Feel 

Wilson is the most popular basketball brand amongst high schools (secondary schools). The Wilson Evolution is their most famous ball and is approved by the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS).

Having a soft cushioned carcass on the outside and being made out of Evo Microfiber composite leather provides the player with a nice soft feel. 

Covered in micro-touch points, the hooper experiences great control; deep channels provide a softer feel, a better grip for the fingertips (as they are moisture absorbent), and extra cushioning helps with dribbling, catching, and shooting.

Wilson has replaced the traditional rubber black strips on this basketball with composite leather ones in hopes for better grip. Although it’s not much of a difference, it still enhances the grip and feel.  

When playing long sweaty games or getting a sweat on in practice, this ball will absorb any moisture from your hands, allowing for great shooting and dribbling consistency. However, it gets quite slick over time, meaning you might have to stop once in a while to dry the basketball. 

This is a very lightweight indoor basketball as it is made out of a butyl rubber bladder giving it a light feel whilst retaining size and shape. 

This ball’s moisture-absorbent technology can make it feel sticky sometimes. Comparing it to just a normal indoor ball, however, it has a much better grip that’s most appropriate for indoor courts. 

Overall, the Wilson Evolution has a decent balance between grip and feel (only second place to the Wilson EVO NXT, in my opinion), which is very significant in picking the best indoor basketball for high school (secondary school). 

The Wilson Evolution

Bounce and Air Retention

It is known to have a very comfortable, reliable, and consistent bounce. Height wise, players who have tested it say it does not bounce very high compared to other indoor basketballs on this list. Being only a small problem, this stops it from becoming the best indoor basketball for high school in my eyes. 

This means players might have to put a little more effort into bouncing it, which will result in faster dribbling equaling better performance as speed dominates the high school level.

Instead of inflating the Wilson Evolution basketball to a 7.5 or 8.5 PSI (pounds per square inch), which is the standard air pressure for the NBA, I recommend pumping it up to a 9 PSI, somewhat higher than normal. 

Overall, it holds air in very well, and thanks to its higher quality rubber bladder, having to fill the Wilson Evolution with air will be a rarity. 


Being durable is another good reason why this is one of the best indoor basketballs for high school. Hell, it can even last as long as five years if handled well! This means avoiding outdoor use because it will not hold well, even when used outdoors once. This basketball is known to tear on surfaces like gravel, concrete, or any other outdoor surface. 

But, the composite leather material on the Wilson Evolution has an amazing overall indoor durability. A good thing about this basketball is once it starts to fade over time, it becomes easier to grip as it’s less rigid

The Rock: 3rd Best Indoor Basketball

The Rock: 3rd best indoor basketball for high school

John Stole is the maker of this ball, having a vision of creating the best indoor basketball for grip and durability, which he succeeded in. Although Wilson and Spalding are the more popular basketball brands, in contrast, it’s much better than a lot of their balls. 

Material, Grip, and Feel

The Rock (nothing to do with Dwayne Johnson) being a very high rated ball for high school (secondary school) has been one of the best indoor basketballs for a long while now and is made out of composite leather, giving it a long-lasting life.

Its composite leather provides the player with a superior grip and amazing ball control. It has a patented sponge rubber carcass layer for increased softness, fitting in with any indoor surface. 

Its amazing abilities hit you in an instant, straight out of the box. Its 100% Nylon Wound helps the ball maintain its shape throughout game and practice. The depth and width of the channels (black lines across the ball) are deeper and wider than your usual indoor basketball.

The channels are made out of rubber, not composite leather, which gives more grip but less feel. It gives the perfect amount of tackiness to stop dust and dirt from getting in through the cracks.

Although The Rock is moisture absorbent, some people say it does not absorb sweat very well. But, with the sole purpose being to provide you with the best grip, it’s enough to take a high school player’s game to the next level. 

Palming this basketball comes easy with its superior grip whilst maintaining a consistent and comfortable feel. This basketball is more focused on grip than feel but has a good balance between the two. Having a decent feel, you can expect this indoor basketball to not stick to hands or floors. The Rock also feels slightly bigger meaning it doesn’t have that “cheap” feel like some other composite leather balls do. 

The Rock

Bounce and Air Retention

When choosing the best indoor basketball for high school, you need the bounce to be as reliable and as consistent as possible. The deep depth of the channels on The Rock could have a slightly negative effect on reliability. But, for shooting, it’s beneficial. 

The Rock has great bounce as the material is high quality, whereas low-quality balls have a terrible bounce. If you’re ever having trouble with this basketball’s bounce, this would be due to air retention.

It may not have the most consistent bounce in height terms, but overall it’s almost perfect when it comes to controlling. Speaking of control, you won’t be using much effort when moving it the way you want it to move, and when pumping air into this ball. Also, The Rock doesn’t feel too bouncy or flat either.  

7.5 and 8.5 PSI (pounds per square inch) is the NBA norm for air pressure in any basketball. Losing air is an infrequent problem when coming across the best indoor basketball for high school but can become very frustrating.

When inflating this basketball, be careful! Over inflating can cause lumps, and under inflating will make the basketball unplayable and a lot less enjoyable. After you’ve inflated it, hold the ball at head level and drop it. 

Suppose it bounces just below chest level, congratulations! There is just enough air pressure in this basketball. I guarantee you that air loss will not be a problem with this indoor basketball; therefore, it should not need a pump.

The Rock comes equipped with a high quality reinforced double-ply butyl bladder (underneath the outer cover and made from rubber) to keep as much air pressure as possible.


As indoor basketballs are more expensive than outdoor ones in general, this one is made from very durable material. I would only recommend using it indoors if you want it to last longer, as it comes with built-in indoor durability. 

Bonus tip: If you’ve asked yourself the question, “how durable is this indoor basketball?” Remind yourself it’s literally like a rock. This ball’s durability is phenomenal in rank. 

The Wilson NCAA Solution: 4th Best Indoor Basketball

The Wilson NCAA Solution: 4th best indoor basketball for high school

Material, Grip, and Feel

It is the official game ball for both men’s and women’s NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) tournaments and March Madness. It is an absolutely fantastic choice for high school (secondary school), basketball players.  

Being very high-rated, this basketball has features most people dream of. Unlike other basketballs made out of composite leather (not real leather), this one comes with proper moisture-absorbent features offering a great balance between grip and feel for enjoyable and solid playability and doesn’t have that sticky feel to it either.  

It does not come with that slippery out-of-the-box feel, and it doesn’t use these fancy, advanced technologies for things like “better” air retention, but it is the real deal when it comes to having the most trustworthy moisture absorption on the market. 

The wide laid-in “Aqua Grip” channels come with unmatched grip ability straight to the fingertips. Wilson’s traditional black strips on their basketballs have been replaced with composite leather to provide the player with a better feel.

Since the moisture-absorbing technology on this indoor ball absorbs sweat and keeps it dry during games and practice, it offers a better grip. Wilson has narrowed down the “slippery hands” problem to an almost non-existent level with this ball. 

This basketball has a super comfortable and smooth feel due to the high-quality material. Feel leads to better shooting and dribbling, as well as being one with the ball. The cushion control technology on the Wilson NCAA Solution combines low-density sponge rubber and ultra-durable butyl rubber to give the player a rare feel setting the standard for performance and innovation. 

Bounce and Air Retention

Replacing the rubber channels (black laces) was Wilson’s excellent decision because it makes for a smoother surface for a better bounce. This helps keep the bounce reliable and consistent without bouncing too low or too high, keeping the same air pressure throughout play. Do not under or over inflate this basketball.

Keeping it between 7.5 and 8.5 PSI (pounds per square inch) is the standard air pressure. The ideal air pressure should be imprinted on the ball around the area where you insert the pump into. 


Another reason I consider this to be one of the best indoor basketballs for high school is its durability, which is what this ball is mostly known for. It will not just last several years, but the grip, feel, and bounce will stay the same. 

If that’s not durable, then I don’t know what is. I would still advise sticking to using this ball indoors as the outdoor environments will destroy the quality and nice features of the Wilson NCAA Solution. It comes at a very affordable cost, but its high durability level is made for indoor use.  

Molten GG7X: 5th Best Indoor Basketball

Molten GG7X: 5th best indoor basketball for high school

Material, Grip, and Feel

It is the official ball used for FIBA and the Olympics. It is made out of a high-quality premium composite leather cover, with the unfortunate thing being it’s not as nice and soft as the previous makes of this ball. 

Watching the basketball rotate in the air is a crucial component when shooting. The 12-panel design and the colouring on this Molten X Series basketball are great for this purpose as it will help high school (secondary school) players dictate how much spin they’re giving the ball.   

This is why it looks like an “X” from the side, and the “X” makes it easier for rebounding as players can track where the ball will go after it hits the rim. 

High School players might find this to be the best indoor basketball for control since Molten has added in extra channels (all of its channels made from rubber for increased grip) that are narrower and wider but spaced out well for better contact with the hands. 

Also, the 12-panel design on this indoor basketball will help the high school (secondary school) player with better grip and fingertip control. As soon as the uniform pebble surface starts to wear in, grip becomes more consistent, leading to better control over the ball.

The Molten GG7X model does not have the best moisture-absorbent technology, so you can expect this ball to become slippery when playing with sweaty hands. Don’t worry too much about this problem as most indoor basketballs become slippery with sweaty hands and moisture. 

When first taking the Molten GG7X out of the box, some players might say, “have they put glue on it or something?” This is because of its tacky feel at the beginning. This problem goes away when you use the ball more and more as it starts to wear in. 

The Molten GG7X

Bounce and Air Retention

The bounce of the Molten GG7X has a decent height plus contact consistency and is reliable as its narrower, wider seams (black laces) make it easier to dribble. Don’t get me wrong; this indoor basketball is far from being cheaply made, as its high-quality material gives it a great bounce for any high school player. 

If this ball becomes flat or too bouncy, it’s often a result of not enough or too much air pressure, just like the other basketballs on this list. Because of its premium quality butyl bladder, air leakage shouldn’t be a problem with this basketball. 

Even though you won’t be using a ball pump much whatever the season, it is always handy. Pumping it up to the standard air pressure between 7.5 and 8.5 PSI (pounds per square inch) is a good idea as the Molten GG7X bounces at a frequent 8 PSI

The correct air pressure should be imprinted on the ball around the area where you insert the pump into. Don’t over pump this ball as it will become too bouncy, and don’t under inflate as it will become unplayable. 


The best indoor basketball needs to have fair indoor durability as they tend not to come cheap. With this one, you don’t have to worry about the durability too much, as long as you avoid using it outside on rough surfaces as much as possible. 

Using it outside, then going back to playing indoors makes it uncomfortable to play with, and the ball can lose its superior grip. All in all, the durability of the Molten GG7X is not that great as the material starts to worsen much quicker, making it dissimilar to the other best indoor basketballs on this list. 

Taking Care of the Best Indoor Basketball for High School

Being careful and aware: 

As these indoor basketballs are made from composite leather, they tend to be more “brittle,” so to speak. Therefore, taking good care of them will ensure the high quality stays the same throughout years of play. I’ve talked about not using them outdoors, so now let’s talk about some “don’t do’s” when using them indoors.

Try avoiding bouncing the basketball off the wall, whether passing it to yourself or doing drills, and don’t kick them as this could cause lumps on the ball.  Keep harmful objects away from the ball, even indoors. Very sharp objects like glass can change its shape and puncture the basketball in worse case scenarios. And just like most things, when not in use, keep in a cool, dry place. 

Fixing a punctured basketball

Here are the four pieces of equipment you need to fix a popped basketball.

  1. A Syringe with the biggest needle available
  2. Cooking oil
  3. All contact cement (adhesive)
  4. Ball Pump

First, apply the cooking oil on the rubber part of the syringe so it won’t damage the rubber and a small amount inside the syringe. Give the syringe a few “pushes” to lubricate it properly. 

Second, attach the needle, then pour about 5ml of contact cement into the syringe.

Third, hold the basketball (or get a partner to do it), making sure the damaged part faces the bottom. Insert the pump into the ball to release some air. Leave it inserted and fit the syringe into the ball, injecting all of the contact cement into it. 

You should always keep the “hole” face down. When finished injecting the contact cement, pump up the basketball. This should fix the hole within 12 to 24 hours.

Cleaning the basketball

Remember, every basketball has cracks. What does this mean? Dust, dirt, and moisture can slip through them with ease. All this advanced tech could become useless when this happens over time, and it will make the ball unplayable. As I always recommend, use water combined with leather shampoo, taking immediate action to dry the basketball. Just use a cloth, and she’s ready to go. 

In Conclusion: What is the Best Indoor Basketball for High School?

I think the most important thing when choosing the best indoor basketball is the players’ needs. 

Mysterious object falling from the sky...

In my opinion: the Wilson EVO NXT is the most complete indoor basketball on this list, with the best balance between grip and feel. The Wilson Evolution, not being far off, is the most popular one for high school (secondary school).

The Rock seems to have the best grip and durability on this list. The Wilson NCAA Solution is the most highly-rated with the best moisture absorption. The Molten GG7X is great for shooters and control. 

If any of these balls feel too bouncy, lower the air pressure to a 7 PSI.

Comparing it to crappy low-quality basketballs that give the player a harder time with the sport or different basketballs in general, it’s a no-brainer.

At the end of the day: Treat the ball with good care by following the tips in this article. If you find yourself getting bored with cleaning, remind yourself you don’t have to do it often. 

I hope you found this article helpful! If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below! I’ll make sure to reply ASAP.

As always, happy balling!


The Best Indoor Basketball Ball For College

I think you should give this article a good read as it will show you what the best indoor basketball ball looks like and why it’s the best and how it can help improve your skills. 

Imagine walking into practice during college, having to use one of their basketballs compared to the awesome and cool balls everyone else brings in that they bought themselves.

When I was in college, this was a similar case for me, except the ones my college used were total utter crap, almost as bad as those I used in secondary school (high school).

At first, you might think this one isn’t for you, just like with all other basketballs people use for the first time. BUT…

Once you get used to it (which won’t take very long), you will not regret it!  

I have put a considerable amount of time and research into choosing the best possible basketball for collegiate players to improve their skills quickly and easily to reach their full potential. 

I hope this article helps you out a lot by giving you my utmost honest opinion of the ball.

Baden Perfection Elite Game Ball: Best Indoor Basketball Ball For College

The Spalding and Wilson brand of basketball is, without a doubt, the most popular. However, the Baden company really listens to the player’s opinions, so they decided to make the best indoor basketball ball for collegiate players to use in-game or in-practice. 

A female holding the best indoor basketball ball for college


The material of any basketball, no matter what brand, determines whether it’s an indoor or outdoor ball.

The Baden Elite basketball is made up of synthetic/composite leather, which isn’t real leather, but the kind of material that the best indoor basketball ball should be made of.

This results in not breaking into the basketball as it is “ready to perform” straight out of the box. 

The Baden Elite has a perfect balance of softness and playability because of its microfiber cover, which provides the collegiate player with superior grip and just the right amount of tack for optimum basketball control. 

Not to mention, it has amazing moisture absorption too!

You can only achieve perfection by designing for athletes. This basketball uses the best materials and pays attention to every detail, making it the best indoor basketball ball for college. 

The channels are slightly wide and deep, but the patterns and pebbles are made to a basic standard on this indoor basketball. It offers more grip and is a lot softer than rubber, so it works well on an indoor court and has a great feel. 

Although this basketball features Cushion Controlled Technology, some people say it feels firmer and less cushioned compared to the Wilson Evolution.

But, this basketball is VERY underrated and is similar to the Spalding Precision (a great basketball for high school), with the only difference being, it’s more focused on feel than grip. 

Grip & Feel

Since this indoor basketball is more focused on feel than grip, it removes the factor of having too much grip even after using it for some time, and losing grip on this ball will not be a problem. 

A guy holding a basketball outside

It comes with a strong moisture grip, which gives the collegiate player a high-level ball control throughout the game or practice and avoids the Wilson Evolution’s sticky feeling whilst having a much better comfortable feel to it. 

Having slight wide and deep rubber channels provides the player with additional grip to help with shooting and dribbling in particular. What people have to understand is that the cover of the Baden Elite is the main reason why feel outweighs grip, not the size of the channels.

Right from the beginning, the Baden Elite has the perfect amount of tackiness and grip and stays that way for a very long time. You’ll have an easier time trying to palm this basketball whilst enjoying an incredible feel too.  

The most hyped factor of a basketball? Grip. Because EVERYBODY wants to palm the basketball.

The Baden Elite’s main benefit is its super amazing feel stopping the basketball from becoming too grippy to the point where it becomes unusable and uncomfortable.

Unlike outdoor rubber balls, this one feels and reacts naturally. Even though I’ve said grip is overhyped, it’s still an important factor to consider. This is one of the main reasons why I think the Baden Elite is the best indoor basketball ball for collegiate players. 

Another reason why the Baden Elite provides you with such a grip is that, compared to other indoor basketballs, it is slightly bigger in weight.


The Baden Elites patented Cushion Controlled Technology (CCT) gives the player a truer bounce. Also, you know how a ball does that thing where it hits the rim and goes flying? Yeah, the Baden Elite won’t do that because of the CCT.

The Baden Perfection Elite Game Basketball bouncing off a rim

Its elite perfection design ensures you won’t feel lumps or get inconsistent bounces as it is engineered to be a perfectly balanced indoor basketball with a very keen and consistent bounce. 

A low amount of air pressure can have a huge effect on the ball’s bounce but for the most part, having a horrible bounce is the result of a low-quality cheap ball. 

The Baden Elite doesn’t have a super high bounce and bounces at almost the same height every time, which is great because it won’t be hard to control and bounces high enough to the point it doesn’t feel lifeless.  

Deeper grooves are often an obstacle when it comes to dribbling, but not with this basketball! 

After all, the Baden Elite is specifically designed for dribbling, so I’d say the bounce is pretty reliable on this ball. 

Fun Fact: The Baden Elite comes with a feature called the “Stealth Soft Valve System,” an almost invisible air valve that helps with bounce. 

Air Retention

Air pressure in a basketball should be between 7.5 and 8.5 psi (pounds per square inch). If a basketball is consistently losing air, then it’s time to buy the best indoor basketball ball, the Baden Elite. 

Air retention should not be a problem with this basketball. You only need to check the ball’s air retention during wintertime, but a pump is pretty much not needed for the Baden Elite.

Baden Elite indoor basketball

Everyone knows it’s no fun playing with a basketball that is always losing air. The advanced technology Baden has used for this basketball terminates this problem; therefore, it is no longer a concern. 

If you’re unsure about the basketball’s exact air pressure range, you can find it imprinted on the Baden Elite (around the area where you insert the pump into it). The quality bladder underneath the composite leather material is the number one reason it has good air retention.

For those of you looking for the best indoor basketball ball that has great air retention, the Baden Elite seems to have the best air retention around.  


Durability will 100% not be a problem with this ball as it is durable to the extreme!

Indoor basketballs need to have decent durability as they are more expensive than durable rubber outdoor basketballs. Also, outdoor balls have built-in outdoor durability, whereas indoor balls have indoor durability.

As long as you stick to playing indoors with the Baden Elite, you don’t have to worry about durability since players won’t use it on rough outdoor surfaces. 

Quick note: Just because Baden isn’t as popular as Spalding or Wilson doesn’t mean it’s a lower quality brand!

I would not advise using this basketball outside as it would not last long, considering it has a soft exterior. The more high-quality a basketball’s material is, the more durable it is, which in this case, the Baden Elite is as high quality as can be. Also, the Cushioned Control Technology (CCT) gives it a longer-lasting life. 

Adding in a good care routine towards this basketball will help it last several years, but the majority of its forever lasting longevity is due to the incredible durability.

Size & Cost

No matter which basketball league you play in, checking the specifications for official game balls is important. Keep in mind, if you use two different sizes when practicing or in games, you might end up shooting bricks. 

A pile of bricks to represent bad shooting in basketball

As far as I know, the Baden Elite is available in two sizes:

Size 7 with a 29.5-inch circumference (75 centimeters) and is the perfect size for male collegiate players. It is the size used for high school (secondary school) all the way up to the NBA. 

Size 6 with a 28.5-inch circumference (72 centimeters) is used more often for younger players, such as children, high school players, or female collegiate players. 

To sum it all down, since the size 7 version of the Baden Elite is bigger, it becomes a much better choice for college basketball.   

The higher quality composite leather or genuine leather will be a big influence when it comes to the cost of the best indoor basketball ball because higher quality can give you years of practice and play, unlike a lot of outdoor balls made from cheap rubber crap. 

Like other great basketballs, the best indoor basketball ball for college (Baden Elite) is priced between $50-$100 or £30-£100

Taking care of the basketball

If you want this ball to maintain its high quality for years to come, taking good care of it and having a good routine is important.

By sticking to using this basketball indoors (especially since this one has a soft exterior) and avoiding bouncing it outside as much as possible since gravel and concrete can easily tear the material apart, the quality will stay the same, and longevity will increase.

Even though I’ve talked about the Baden Elite being able to maintain its shape, I still wouldn’t advise kicking it or even bouncing it off the wall. 

Then again, it’s almost impossible for this basketball to get out of shape.

Keeping the Baden Elite clean and dry will also help keep it to a perfect standard. Using a mixture of leather shampoo and water (drying the ball straight after) will help wash away the dust and dirt that makes its way into the cracks. 

Remember to keep the basketball away from any harmful object, even when using it indoors. Removing extra items on the court will stop the Baden Elite from crashing into something sharp that could potentially alter its shape, or in serious cases, pop the basketball. 

Why is this the best indoor basketball ball for college?

Now, the Baden Elite’s microfiber cover makes shooting and dribbling a lot more enjoyable and comfortable for the collegiate player.

Besides, how are you meant to improve at basketball without having fun doing it? Right!?

Collegiate players playing indoor basketball

Baden Elite equals an easier time shooting, providing an awesome grip and feel to it with a soft touch, more control, and a truer bounce.

The symmetrical design will make sure there are no lumps, so collegiate players using it during practice and games will have an easier and more comfortable time with dribbling and shooting. 

This basketball will help you reach your full potential whether you’re putting in hours practicing your free throws, passes, or draining threes. This is the best indoor basketball ball for when it comes to practicing dribbling moves (like the crossover, for instance) and will help you get more ankle breakers. 

You can practice dribbling and passing without a hoop but not without a basketball! You will improve dribbling effortlessly with this basketball, and you can even practice at home or in your college dorm room. 

It’s a specific ball made for competitive and elite players to be used in-practice and in-game. It is best suited for advanced collegiate players; even if you can’t palm the basketball, it equips the player with a tremendous feel to help with ball handling and shooting.  

One thing about college basketball is you’re likely playing very long games, so your hands are for sure going to be sweaty. Like I mentioned before, with the Baden Elite basketball, this won’t be a problem as it will absorb the sweat to stop it from becoming slippery. 

All in all, this is the best indoor basketball ball for college to practice your skills with as it will carry over that great consistency into games. 

How can this indoor basketball improve a collegiate player’s skills?

In college, speed doesn’t dominate like the high school (secondary school) level. There are more athletes with speed. So, for the collegiate players, they have to develop more consistent jump shots and ball-handling by working on the right mechanics with the best indoor basketball ball for college. 

Mechanics to represent shooting and dribbling


The finger of the shooting hand addresses the release, the grip, and the follow-through that gives the shooter great control over the Baden Elite.

The offhand addresses the non-shooting hand and arm and how best to guide the ball and balance the shooter. 


Michael Jordan was an index finger shooter, and so was Kobe Bryant. The best shooters of the game, without a doubt, dominate the game with their index finger. Dating back all the way to Pistol Pete Maravich’s days, he was the first one to use the finger release as that’s what his father taught him. 

It’s easy! When you shoot, align the index finger through the basket as the other fingers are pointing out. This will make sure your shot stays straight every single time. Here are a few steps you can take to make this as simple as possible:

  1. Hold the Baden Elite with index finger in middle
  2. Put your index finger above and through the rim (It should be pointing straight down through the basket, and the other fingers should be flaring out away from you)
  3. Hold your follow-through

This will help you build muscle memory along with the feel and weight of the Baden Elite.

Using the best indoor basketball ball for college will help make all of this as familiar as possible. If you’re an elite college player, it could take you five minutes to get this component down, if you’re using the Baden Elite, of course. 


There are good off hands, and then there are not so good off hands. The offhand is important because it gives you guidance and balance over the Baden Elite. For example, let’s look at divers. Divers bring their hands together to give them better balance and control.

College players today drop or drag the offhand, which causes tension and imbalance with their shot. In the past, the offhand and the shooting hand went up together and down together. This basketball is heavy enough, so you don’t want to add extra weight to your shot. 

Here is the plan:

  • When you’re shooting, make sure to keep the offhand straight and touch just below the wrist on the shooting arm. This will give you a great offhand helping you maintain balance throughout the shot.
  • The offhand’s elbow should not point downward or forward, but instead, it should point out to the side. This will give you a similar pose to an archer, which will help you maintain balance and accuracy throughout your shot. 


I will now tell you how the best indoor basketball ball for college can improve your dribbling moves, including the crossover, between the legs, behind the back, and the in and out. 


Now, the basic crossover is used to change direction. Having a great, trustworthy bounce will help the player keep the ball due to its consistency. The Baden Elite will help you maintain the bounce’s height consistency, making the crossover easier to use.

Between the legs:

This is another move all players need to have in their arsenal. It is used to switch directions quicker by stopping and crossing over between the legs. Going between the legs helps you protect the ball from the defender, and the grip and feel will help you control the ball without losing it during this move’s procedure.

Behind the back:

The more advanced the moves get, the better they are against defenders, and with the Baden Elite being made for ball handling, these moves will become second nature. This move is also great for shielding off the defender and changing direction at the same time. Against serious pressure, the ball’s elements will help you maintain control at all times.

In & Out:

Unlike the others, this move is used more for changing speed, changing pace, and changing actual height. It’s a great move to freeze the defender, and it’s simple. This is where all of the Baden Elites elements really help you out, giving you an easier time combining this move with things like the pull up jump shot or driving towards the basket.

Wrapping Up: The Best Indoor Basketball Ball For College

Two collegiate players high fiving each other

When you think about it, this basketball will help you out a lot through college. Hopefully, more than the balls your college provides you with. 

It’s taken me a while to discover the best indoor basketball ball for college. Still, using it to your advantage will help your skills out a lot; as long as you follow the helpful tips from this article, you will find enjoyment and comfort in using the Baden Elite.

Comparing it to other “best” indoor basketball balls for indoors, such as the Wilson Evolution, TF-1000, Spalding NBA official game ball, etc. This is the most complete ball for collegiate shooters and dribblers, so choosing this one is a no-brainer. 

Don’t forget…clean the ball! 

You don’t have to make it squeaky clean and shiny, but having a simple routine and using a cloth is enough, helping the Baden Elite last several years. Heck, it should last you all the way through college!

I hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful! If you have any other questions or any feedback on what type of articles you want more (e.g., a top 5 list), please leave it in the comments below! I’ll make sure to reply ASAP!

As always, happy balling! 

A Good Indoor Basketball Ball For High School Teens

Imagine scrolling through the web or searching local shops for an indoor basketball ball only to find way too many to choose from….

My friend, look no further! This problem has now been eliminated

When I was in high school (secondary school), you’d have to run into the storage room before practice to be the first one to get one of the good indoor basketball balls (there were about 5 out of 30).

If you weren’t part of the storage room top five winners (which I definitely was not part of), you were stuck with either a crappy and almost unusable ball, which by the way, was dirty and wrecked from being used all the time outdoors.

I will show you in this article what I consider to be a great indoor basketball ball judging from the countless hours of research I have done on it and friends who have used it.

During my research time, I experienced lists of the so-called “best” indoor basketballs out there, and let me tell ya…..most of them are for sure not the best!

But if you want to know what a great indoor basketball ball looks like, I’m hoping this article provides an honest answer for you than I got before finding this one. 

All you need to know: Spalding Precision indoor basketball ball


Unlike most indoor basketballs made out of composite leather, this one is made out of very durable Eco-Grip composite leather and doesn’t have that slippery “out of the box” feel. 

Man holding a Spalding basketball whilst looking at his watch

But what does Eco-Grip tell me? It tells you it’s “recycle material,” meaning it’s 100% recyclable and a good indoor basketball ball for the environment. Here’s another unique thing about this basketball. It has a great feel to it, and the bright colour of this special material makes it stand out like a t-rex on a court.  

This is a softer material compared to those rubber outdoor basketballs, which are actually pretty heavy and a lot less comfortable.

It’s a known fact that composite leather and genuine leather balls have a familiar feel to them. With the added Eco-Grip, this basketball will have a much better feel than a genuine leather ball, and it’s much cheaper. 

The Spalding Precision also has deep grooves (black laces on the ball), providing a good and natural feel. The channels aren’t too wide or too deep either and are made from rubber. 


Eco-Grip on this indoor basketball ball gives you a game ready grip and soft feel right out of the box. Keep in mind a downside to this is that it may be a bit too grippy for a player’s liking. Then again, you do not want it to have minimal grip either.

Due to sweaty hands and moisture, you might lose that extra grip, but the amazing feel of it would still be there. 

Having a good grip is a positive factor when shooting any shot or even when palming the basketball.

However, at one point, NBA players complained about genuine leather basketballs having too much grip, and genuine leather is grippier than composite leather.

I’ve got to be honest; I don’t even know if there is another indoor basketball ball out there with a solid grip matching a smooth feel like this one.

A player gripping an indoor basketball ball

High school players have to remember that “feel” is also an important factor in picking a good indoor basketball ball. Good grip means nothing without a comfortable feel. I think Spalding Precision has the perfect balance of grip and feel for the player.   

Bounce & Air Retention

A basketball constantly losing air is very annoying and an absolute pain in the backside. The Spalding Precision has a butyl bladder (a rubber material underneath the outer cover) for superb air retention and excellent structural integrity, along with a cushioned carcass giving it a realistic, consistent bounce. 

For an indoor basketball, standard air pressure is between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds (3 – 4kg). When buying the Spalding Precision, it should already come inflated. If it doesn’t come inflated for whatever reason, I recommend pumping it up to an 8 PSI (pounds per square inch).

For the most part, the ball pump will be pretty much sat in your shed collecting dust as it’s likely not needed (a little bit during winter…maybe).

Over inflating can be harmful to an indoor basketball ball as it makes it harder for the player to shoot and can cause lumps, and under inflating will make it unplayable.

Lucky for you, maintaining its roundness is a feature this basketball comes with.  

A kid bouncing a basketball on an outside court

Can I test the bounce myself? Of course! 

All you need to do to test the bounce is by dropping it at chest height. If it bounces up just below chest level, the air pressure is good enough. 

I’ve heard of people testing a basketball by placing it in the fridge for 24hrs… why would anyone want to waste their time doing that? It sounds stupid when you could be spending that time practicing instead.

When it comes to any Spalding basketball, the pebbling design is traditional. This does not matter as it has zero effect on bounce or air retention.  

Size & Price

As far as I know, this basketball comes in just two sizes. An intermediate size (which I would recommend for high school teens aged 12-16 as it’s smaller and lighter) and an official size too. The “official” size is the ball they use in High School basketball games all the way up to the NBA. Here are both of the sizes:

  • Intermediate – size 6 with a circumference of 28.5 inches
  • Official – size 7 with a circumference of 29.5 inches

The Spalding Precision is also NFHS approved (National Federation of State High School Association) and the state ball for Maryland. Also, it is the official ball for the AAU (Amateur Athletic Union). 

If your son/daughter is part of a basketball team (or yourself if you’re in high school/secondary school), it is your responsibility to check the ball’s specifications. 

As most indoor basketball balls don’t tend to come cheap, I would look to spend about $50 – $80 since indoor basketballs are usually +$50 (£39). 

I recommend buying a size 6 because I heard something about the balls being about an inch bigger than what they actually say to be. Without being said, for high school players who are a bit more advanced, you can get away with using the bigger size, size 7. 

The weight, feel, and flight of a basketball is important when players start developing muscle memory.

cute piggy bank

Cheap basketballs won’t save you money.

They’re not as high quality as the Spalding Precision, for example, and will need to be replaced time and time again, whereas this one can last you several years! (if you stick to using it indoors, that is). 

Durability & Looking after an indoor basketball ball

The Spalding Precision, unlike normal composite leather balls, is made from very durable material.

An indoor basketball ball, in my opinion, needs to have decent durability, keeping in mind they’re more expensive than outdoor balls, which come with excellent durability. The Spalding Precision is known to be very durable for indoor basketball. 

It’s good to know that a street basketball has a different type of durability specifically made for outdoor use, and an indoor ball’s durability is made for indoor use. 

Now, onto looking after it. When you take these tips I’m about to give you into consideration, the Spalding Precision basketball will last a whole lot longer (like putting the ball on steroids). 

Keeping this indoor basketball ball clean:

Have people ever told you not to worry about this since indoor courts don’t get dusty or dirty? If the answer is yes, they’re liars. Basketballs can become more slippery if dust and dirt get into the crevices, making it harder to carry out basic skills like shooting or dribbling.

A person putting lotion or shampoo on their hands 

I always recommend a mixture of leather shampoo and water and drying it straight after not to worsen the surface.

The longevity of an indoor basketball ball, such as the Spalding Precision, depends on whether or not you’re using it indoors or outdoors. Very rough surfaces like gravel or concrete will, for a fact, decrease longevity. 

Remember to look out for sharp and pointy objects like broken glass when using it outside and even inside. In short, try to avoid bouncing it outside as much as possible, for example, on the way to the gym. 

However, the same applies for indoors. I would not advise kicking it or bouncing it off the wall, considering how much indoor basketballs cost.  

Why is this a good indoor basketball ball for high school teens?

The Spalding Precision is designed for beginner and intermediate level players, to be specific. Since many high school players (aged between 12-16) are beginners, this is a great indoor basketball ball for them to use. 

When it comes to basketball shooting and dribbling, training your skills is like building a house. It starts from the foundation, and you have to have the foundational skills before you can become an elite player.

A beautiful house with a swimming pool

You can have the biggest and coolest house ever, but if it’s on a weak foundation, that house will fall over.

When shooting, starting from the feet first and not being “squared” to the basket (like most coaches teach) but instead having a slight turn in your feet towards the basket, high school players will learn to keep the shoulder and neck muscles relaxed. 

A high school player’s potential will be limitless after using a superb indoor basketball ball to improve their skills as a beginner and build that solid foundation as long as high school players practice the correct fundamentals. 

Having this indoor basketball ball by their side will help develop fundamentals whilst keeping them interested and engaged since they’ll be having lots of fun doing it, showing off their amazing ball to others.

Even though every beginner has different needs on what they need to improve on, this indoor basketball ball can easily improve to get to that advanced level much quicker.

If they were to use a horrible cheap basketball (maybe even one that’s not for indoor use), they’d have a harder time improving because a cheap one doesn’t have all the nice qualities and features that the Spalding Precision comes with. 

Bonus tip: If a high school player ends up using the official size ball, it will feel like shooting a light sponge when going into practice before a game. Because the Spalding Precision is smaller and lighter, they will have an easier time getting better with it. 

High school players can use this indoor basketball’s amazing grip to their advantage. For example, when carrying out a layup, everyone knows you have to hit the top left or top right corner of the black box

If the player slightly misses that corner, I believe the Spalding Precision properties (grip, for instance) will increase the ball’s chances of going onto the basket. 

At the end of the day, it’s all about being comfortable. Like having a comfortable shot, playing with an enjoyable and comfortable basketball will help high school players get to the next level. 

How can this indoor basketball ball affect their skills?


When it comes to shooting, most beginner high school players miss to the sides. These tips I’m about to give you can help eliminate side misses even faster with the Spalding Precision. Having a cheap crappy ball will only make the player more frustrated. 

The index finger and the middle finger used to shoot a basketball

Using the middle/index finger:

There is a quick test that anyone can do to figure out which finger they should shoot with, the middle or the index finger.

Start by straightening your shooting arm out to the side, spreading out the fingers. Then, you want to align the index and middle finger with your arm. When finished, decide which finger was the straightest since that’s the finger you should be shooting with.

For most people, the index finger is the straightest. 

If you’re shooting with a four-finger follow through, then you’re shooting at four different targets. With a two-finger follow through you’re shooting at two targets. Therefore, by shooting with one finger, you’ll be more consistent, shooting at only one target.

The index finger is not only the straightest but also the strongest. But why use it on the Spalding Precision?

It allows for a balanced grip on the basketball in combination with the great feel that this ball comes with and gives a good triangular projection towards the middle of the rim. Having an imbalanced grip on the ball will lead to more misses, and it means you’re not utilizing this ball’s natural grip. 

The offhand/guidehand:

Combining the Spalding Precision’s comfortable feel; amazing Eco-Grip with the “glue” to shooting (the offhand), the player will be shooting like Clint Eastwood in his western movies. 

Glue being used to repair something broken

The “glue” has two essential purposes. Guiding the basketball to its target and balancing the shooter’s release.

Pulling the offhand out of line with the shot or pulling the offhand down to the side before following through with the shot are the two major problems for beginners. Here are the ways to correctly use the offhand and combine it with the Spalding Precision powers. 

  • Keep a narrow offhand to the release of the follow-through. This is because the grip of the ball is already maintained by the shooting hand. If the offhand is wide, the ball’s grip will be focused on that hand, meaning you’re guaranteed to miss. 
  • Raise and point the offhand elbow outward away from the shooter. This will allow for an even greater feel of the ball. If the elbow isn’t pointed outwards, the offhand will become tense, which will result in the player using the Spalding Precision’s super grip to drag the ball down as they shoot.
  • Keep the offhand shoulder back and uninvolved with the shot. This will result in a more relaxed shot. If the player’s shoulders become tense, then the shot becomes tense, which equals an uncomfortable time with shooting and this basketball already has enough grip on it. 

The offhand will be aligned, relaxed, and balanced with the shot and the basketball by following these three things.


Before beginning any dribbling drills, it is good to carry out a nice warm-up to get a good FEEL for the basketball. Somehow I don’t think warming up will take up much of your time playing with a good indoor basketball since having a super comfortable feel and awesome grip will make things easier. 

Two high school kids playing indoor basketball

Beginners can have an easier time looking up whilst dribbling the ball, especially when molding together the deep grooves with the finger pads providing a super killer feel. 

When combining good dribbling fundamentals, such as using the finger pads to dribble, flicking the wrist, and fully extending the elbow, the bounce will help the ball stay knee level and below the waist. Also, players will have an easier time with the basketball bouncing back to their hands.

When dribbling the basketball low, it allows for an easier time getting past the defenders. I think you can rely on this ball when using moves like the crossover, between the legs, behind the back, and the in and out to get past defenders. This is because of its natural grip and feel, which helps the ball stay in your hand, and you can always count on a reliable bounce from it. 

When carrying out these moves against defenders:

Using the Spalding Precision, you have an advantage against all the other beginners due to this ball’s perks. 

The player will be less likely to lose the ball when getting past defenders since this indoor basketball ball has a solid grip.

The reliable bounce it has will allow for a speedy retrieve of the basketball during the bounce and a nice feel when switching hands during a move like a crossover.

This indoor basketball ball can help the player out a lot, mostly since these moves are all about changing direction.

Remember to protect the basketball with your other hand as defenders will cause you to lose the ball. Using the “between the legs” move really helps you protect it from the defender.

It’s also beneficial practicing the in and out move since it’s all about changing speed, changing pace, and changing actual height (the bounce should help the player out with those tremendously), for example, starting high and then getting low with it. 

Once you freeze the defender with this move, they will have almost no chance of getting this indoor basketball ball off you. Best part about this move? The in and out has a lot of different uses. 

Final Thoughts: Is it worth buying!?

I think the most important thing when choosing an indoor basketball ball is not getting overwhelmed by all the “best” choices out there and overthinking which one to buy.  

A very long price list to show indoor basketball balls aren't cheap

As far as I know, this ball doesn’t seem to have any problems and is for sure a good enough basketball for high school players. Setting skill aside, it will improve their confidence as a basketball player! Using all these tips in my article should help a LOT – countless hours of research done for you. 

What’s the worst that can happen? Could it really be that bad?

If you don’t like the ball, you can always sell it on places like eBay or Craigslist, and when it comes to throwing away the basketball, no problem! After all, it is an environmentally friendly material. Compare it to other indoor basketballs, and it’s a no brainer.

At the end of the day: you might regret not trying it out.

I hope you found this article helpful! If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comments below! I’ll make sure to reply to them ASAP! 

Best of luck, and happy balling!