About Mark and basketballrex.com

Hey there! My name’s Mark and I just want to thank you for checking out my site and everything I shared about the best basketball training equipment.

When I was 13 years old, I tapped into the sport of basketball, even though I was only 5 feet and 10 inches tall (178cm). I’ve always been the kind of person to “go big or go home”, but becoming a basketball player was just not going to happen for me.

During my two years at college, where I studied Sport Coaching, I had to put in a lot of research into this sport, and I have been studying it long before starting college. I chose “Basketball Rex” for the name of this site because, just like a t-rex, you’ll be the most unstoppable force in the game if you stick with this site as I will also be giving the best tips and advice on each piece of equipment too.

Just know that you’re in good company, and i’m here to help you every way that I possibly can. Just reach out using my contact page, and I’ll do what I can to help!